During the month of January all students will find the Avyakt Signals from Madhuban at the end of the daily murli. They are particularly inviting to deep experimentation on the Angelic Stage.
JANUARY 2024 - Avyakt Month with Experiments in Silence
1. Silence - as much as possible
Maintain volcanic avyakt silence as far as possible. Make your efforts intense but easy:
Avyakt silence is being absorbed in attainments and relationships with Baba.
2. Daily experiments (Avyakt Signals)
Work sincerely with the experiments/Avyakt Signals at the end of the daily murli. Let’s create a worldwide wave of deep, subtle and sweet collective efforts.
3. Silence Platform for sharing experiences with the wider family
The BK family is invited to share results of their experiments/efforts on this platform. Everyone can share in her/his language and read as little or as much as they wish from sharings from others.
4. Additional sustenance and inspiration
Mohini Didi will explore and share her experiences of the Avyakt Signals on a daily basis. A playlist of her class is offered in the link below. The BK family is invited to listen to deepen one’s understanding. Didi will take us all into the depth of what Baba really wants us to be-come now.
Link to access the playlist: http://bit.ly/experiments_jan2024